American Badger, Pt Reyes 1/22/24

We were following a coyote when, in a hushed but excited voice, my guide uttered “badger!” I looked where he was looking and sure enough this little cutie was making his way back to his hole. I snapped off a bunch of shots and then he said “the coyote is stalking him!” I looked to where the coyote was and sure enough, he was intently moving toward the badger. I debated how to handle the situation and decided to just keep the camera on the badger, and track the coyote with my peripheral vision. I was hoping I might get the coyote jumping toward the badger (and also hoping the badger would escape). Unfortunately for me, but fortunately for the badger, he figured it out early enough to scurry into his hole before the coyote got too close. So I never got a shot with both of them in frame. In retrospect, I probably should have switched into video mode and panned from the badger to the coyote. Oh well, lessons for next time ….


Sunset and Goodyear Blimp 2/5/24


Sunset 1/28/24