Blue Angels Vapor Cloud 10/11/24
This shot is a small panacea for the frustrations of missing shots of the best vapor cones I’ve seen in person. Three times the Angels did a low-and-fast pass above the water generating just incredible vapor cones. However each time it happened as the group of four Angels were finishing their pass and I was still focused on them. Each time I managed to initially catch it out of the corner of my eye and get my head pointed so that I could see it, but each time I was too slow getting the camera there and missed the shot. You would’ve thought I’d learn my lesson the first time, or even the second: “Don’t follow the four all the way to the end, immediately start looking for the other two!” But I guess I’m a slow learner. Sigh. As I was downloading the photos, I saw this one go by and immediately brought it up. I thought “OK, well, I missed the great vapor cones, but this is a pretty cool shot.” I have a ton more shots, and a decent number with vapor clouds, but it’s going to take quite a while to sort and process them, so I figured I’d at least get one shot posted for now.