Christmas Coyote 12/25/23

I went out on the porch with my coffee to lay a wary eye on the large surf. Not long after, I exclaimed “That looks like a coyote on the beach!” My wife grabbed the binoculars while I headed for my camera. By the time I got the camera together and ready he had moved further down the beach. He was about 200 yards from me, so I didn’t get very good shots - more evidence than art as they say. I’ve seen coyotes around Mori and the golf course a number of times but I’ve never seen one on the beach here. It seemed especially odd given how many people were out walking, and people walking their dogs. It didn’t seem to bother him at all - not even the person standing barely 15 yards away taking photos with their phone.


Sunset 12/31/23


Sunset 12/20/23