Great Egret 11/19/23

I was surprised and happy to find this Great Egret at the pond by Mori Pt. It’s been a while since I’ve seen one there. He was happily tromping around the pond fishing. In photo3 he tried to hide in the reeds while he ate his latest catch, but it’s tough to hide when you’re a giant white bird. In photo4, “let me see you shake your tail feathers!” And if you’re wondering why I included photos 6&7 - well, that was so that I could lament the shots that got away. After he was done fishing, he went behind the reeds out of sight. I had a feeling he was going to eventually take off in roughly my direction, so I settled in to wait. After about 30min of waiting, I was getting tired and set my camera down for a bit. Of course, 60 seconds later, he burst out of the reeds, at exactly the spot I had expected and headed in almost exactly the direction I was expecting. I picked up my camera as quickly as I could, but there was a very narrow window where he would be unobstructed and I just wasn’t fast enough. Photo6 was the first shot I was able to snap as I was still getting the camera pointed. Photo7 actually had him in frame, but slightly out of focus and with a big cable from the nearby telephone pole going right through the middle. Sigh. I also included those two shots because I liked how the backlighting from the sun really lets you see their bones.


Double-crested Cormorant 11/17/23


Fleet Week 2023 T33 Ace Maker