Humpback Whales 10/3/22

Yesterday and today were really great days for whales at the pier. The same 5 whales which have been around for the past couple weeks are still here. One pair came very close to the pier and one of them was very active in lunge feeding.

I got so many shots yesterday that I like, it's really hard figuring out how to pare them down to a reasonable set to post. And now I have a bunch more from today to go through. For starters, here's a group of head shots from yesterday. Several of these (including the first one) were taken just as the sun was getting to the horizon, so it was fairly low light, but I enjoy how you can see the glow of the setting sun in some of the reflections on the whale and in the splashes. Oh yeah, and the whales are pretty cool too.


Military starting to assemble 10/2-10/3/22


Sunset 9/20/22