Solar Eclipse 10/14/23

The weather wasn’t playing nice, and I never managed a clear shot, but I managed to get a few shots through the clouds. And it actually seems somewhat apropos to have a cloudy view of the eclipse here in Pacifica.

I never got a truly clean shot at it. The clearest shots were the last two, near the tail end of the eclipse, when it was finally clear enough that I needed to put the solar filter on. I thought it was kinda cool that you can see the sun spots. Photo1 is the shot closest to the maximum and that had enough of a break in the clouds to get a shot.

I originally had a near-zero expectation that I would get anything, because the forecast was for 100% clouds. And when I woke up and looked out the window, my hopes didn’t improve because everything was cloudy and foggy. But I got my gear and went up to the roof anyway, just in case there might be a few breaks in the clouds. When I got up there and looked to the East my hopes suddenly jumped, as the skies were moderately clear and there was a big clearing right where the sun was going to be. But as I set up, the clouds that had been to the west started moving in and by the time the sun came above the horizon, a very thick, dark cloud completely obscured the sun. I waited and watched, hoping there might be a clearing. Finally around 8:50am there was enough of a clearing that I was able to make out the sun and see that it was being partially blocked by the moon. There weren’t any more breaks until just a few minutes before maximum eclipse, and I managed to get Photo1 at 9:15am. Photo3 was at 10:21am and Photo4, which was the clearest of them all, was at 10:33am.


Cliff Rescue 10/14/23


Sunset 10/12/23