Sooty Shearwater 5/20/23

This video is actually from 5/20/23, which was the first time I'd seen the shearwaters in a long time (I don't recall seeing them last year and I don't even think I saw them in 2021). This has been sitting in my "to post" for a while, constantly getting preempted by whales. But tonight as I watched a stream of shearwaters WAY more massive than what was in this video, I thought it time to post. Imagine what you see in the video going on for over an hour straight .... just a continuous stream of birds .... that was tonight.

Sooty Shearwaters 5/20/23

Here is a photograph I took of them. It was from a fair distance, so it’s not great, but it gives you a little better look at them than the video.


Gay Pride Pacifica 2023


Fishing Trio 6/3/23