Ambitious Double-crested Cormorant

Ambitious Double-crested Cormorant, NorthEast PA 12/13/22. It's been a while since I've posted. The past 9 days has been pretty much continuous cleanup from the wave that hit the house and trying to prevent further flooding, as well as staying up most of the night watching for waves/flooding. So I haven't had a chance to get out and take any recent photos (except wave/flood damage to our house/property). But I have a few from Pennsylvania which I didn't get a chance to post earlier. This Cormorant really cracked me up. I couldn't believe he was trying to eat this large a fish (which I *think* is a pickeral, maybe Northern Pike, but someone please correct if you have a better ID). He tried for a little while to get it down, but eventually gave up.


Great Horned Owl


Snow over NE PA