Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl NorthEast PA 12/21/22. Today has been a rough day, as my father passed away early this morning (he is the reason I am in PA right now). On his last day, I took a brief break from sitting with him to take a walk behind the nursing home. I heard an owl, and my sister and I had just been talking about the fact that she's always wanted to see an owl in the wild and I've been wanting to get a picture of one for a long time. So I went looking for the source of the hoot. I eventually found it and got a few photos. When I got back to the room and showed the photos, I think it helped ease some of the tension and raise moods a little. So here are my first owl photos.

Photo2: How *you* doin'?
Photo5: How do you like my fluffy pants?


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