Blue Eyed Coyote - Pt Reyes 1/22/24

There are apparently a few blue eyed coyotes in Point Reyes, which is unusual. Scientists are trying to get DNA samples to try and figure out the origin of the mutation. I managed to capture photos of two of these blue eyed beauties. One of them relieved itself in a field, and when my guide looked at the photos on the back of my camera and realized it was one of the blue eyed coyotes, he asked if we could go “scat hunting”. The scientists could use the scat for DNA sampling. We used my photos to narrow down where it was, but unfortunately with the tall grasses we were unable to locate the scat. It was a fun and very interesting experience. I love citizen science!


Great Horned Owl Baby Stranded 4/8/24


Bobcat Breakfast - Pt Reyes 4/16/24