Great Horned Owl Baby Stranded 4/8/24

This is a late followup on a small story from a few months ago. A Pacifica neighbor messaged me about some baby Great Horned Owls and asked if I wanted to photograph them. Of course I did! I got some shots, and then a couple days later she messaged me that one of the babies appeared to be stranded and looked like it might have an injured wing. I came over and took some photographs and she called a raptor rescue organization. They came out and looked at the photos I took. They judged that the baby probably didn’t have an injured wing, and was close, but not quite able to fly. The position it was in (perched precariously on the end of a branch) was not a great place to be at its age. There was no place for the parents to perch nearby and there wasn’t an easy way for the baby to get back to the nest. A tree trimmer with experience with raptors was called to see if they could either put the baby in a little basket that would enable the parent to come care for it, or possibly use the basket to move the baby back to the nest. Fortunately, before the tree trimmer was able to come, the baby managed to find its way back to the nest. I didn’t want to post any photos at the time to keep others from coming down and possibly disrupting things. I’m finally getting around to posting the photos. I also have some photos which I’ll post later with the babies back in the nest and the parents nearby.


Double-crested Cormorant Landing 5/25/24


Blue Eyed Coyote - Pt Reyes 1/22/24