Food Fight! 9/18/23

I managed to slip out at lunch time to try and get a few shots of the lunging Humpbacks. In between the whale shots, I saw this little scuffle go down. It appears the winner of the fight was actually the fish. In photo5 you can see the fish getting loose, and I analyzed every one of the subsequent frames and the fish is nowhere to be seen. Photo6 seems to support this, as none of them appear too pleased with what went down. I doubt anyone would notice or care, but just as an FYI the photos are not in chronological order. The true time order is 3,4,1,2,5,6. I just liked the shot with the pelican outstretched, mouth wide and all the subjects are visible. Although I do also like the true first photo (Photo3) because the fish is very clear and the pelican seems to have his wing wrapped around him and I can imagine him yelling “MINE!”. It was a tough call how to order them … The combatants: Brown Pelican, two Heermann’s Gulls.


Humpback Whale 9/19/23


If You’re Happy and You Know it … 9/17/23