Humpback Whales 5/20/23

Humpback Whales from the pier 5/20/23. I wasn't able to get out to the pier when the close-in action was happening earlier. When I got out there, the action was all happening up near Esplanade. One of the whales kept breaching repeatedly. I counted at least 12 in a row. Photo1 is one of those breaches - it's the lowest quality photo of the set because it was taken from the pier, so roughly 1.5 miles away, into the fog and light drizzle. But I thought it was cool showing how much of such a large creature was coming out of the water. Photos 2-4 were taken a fair bit closer. I decided to cull the photos down to just 4 because a lot of photos have been posted of these Humpbacks in the past couple days.


Whale tail slap sequence 5/22/23


Humpback Whales at the Pier 5/19/23