Humpback Whales at the Pier 5/19/23

Humpback Whales at the Pier 5/19/23. I was headed out toward Mori Pt to get some bird photos when I got a message from Chris Campo alerting me that he was seeing spouts at the north end of Beach Blvd. I was just about to head his direction when I looked up to see a spout straight out from me (at the flag pole). So I headed to the pier, hoping they'd come near there. Sure enough, several did. There were at least 5 and I think may have been 6 whales. There was a pair that seemed inseparable (they're in photo8, but I have a ton more photos where they were side-by-side within a few feet of each other and they always seemed to surface together). Photo8 actually cracked me up when I saw it, since it looks like a single whale bent in half.


Humpback Whales 5/20/23


Sunset 5/18/23