Humpback Whales 8/17/24

My long-time friend and best man from my wedding messaged me last night and said he wanted to come up to take some whale photos. I cautioned him that things seemed to be slowing down. So when he said he was coming up this morning, I started scanning the areas and watching the group. Everything seemed very quiet. When he arrived I noticed the first whale show up about midway between Mori and the pier and it seemed to be heading toward the pier, so I suggested we head there. We weren’t there long when another one started to come in from the north, and shortly after that a pair came up from the south. The same four that had been here yesterday were here today. While they were often fairly quiet, they had some really spectacular bouts right next to the pier, with one surfacing right underneath the pier. I was again stuck with being overglassed for some of the shots, but I did my best to make them into reasonable shots. The one advantage to getting such closeups was I could continue my obsession locating the whale lice on the whales. You can see them in a variety of locations in several of the photos. They’re quite pronounced in Photo5 so I did a close-crop which is Photo6.


Fast Willy 8/19/24


Humpback Whale Morning 8/16/24