Fast Willy 8/19/24

This Humpback has been tormenting me for the past 3 days. He has a very fast lunge. Instead of coming more straight up and then slowly sinking back down, he does a forward lunge at maybe 20-30deg and drops right back down before you can say “Hey look!” He also seems like he’s running some type of time trial. He moves really fast (for a whale that’s feeding) and makes lots of unpredictable turns. He’s been very difficult to get good shots of. Though he very helpfully slows down when showing his back and sometimes just floats at the surface. I have lots of good back shots (part of the reason I know it’s been the same whale tormenting me, he has some distinct marks on his dorsal fin). And just to enhance the torment, in the evening he decided to swim laps almost directly in front of me, but he positioned himself so he was directly in line with the setting sun most of the time. Lots and lots of bright glare. On the positive side, this guy just kept going and going and going. He was doing laps from Mori Point to the pier from about 11:30am until I left the beach at 6pm. And I could still see him out there after I got home and was eating dinner. I have a bunch more photos of him from today, but I’m so tired I decided to just do one photo, so I stopped at the first one I liked.


Fast Willy 8/20/24


Humpback Whales 8/17/24