Red-tailed Hawk Breakfast 3/24/24

I checked the weather forecast and radar before heading out on my Mori Pt walk this morning. All indications were that rain wouldn’t start for a while, so I rolled the dice and left my rain coat at home. Of course not long into my walk it started raining. It wasn’t too bad so I continued on. I kind of enjoy being in the rain, and I like some of the environmental shots you can get with the animals, however I would’ve been happier with a jacket. When the rain got harder, I decided to do what the animals do and find some natural shelter. While hanging out under the tree I was actually getting a little excited about the possible shots I might get when the rain let up and the critters all started coming out.

Sure enough, as the weather started to improve I saw a Red-tailed Hawk venture out and start hovering, riding the strong ocean breeze while intently surveying the ground for breakfast. After a little while he darted downward. I lost track of him, but tried to be ready for when he emerged again. It wasn’t long before he burst out of some brush. As I was shooting, it appeared as if he had something in his talon, and sure enough on closer inspection he was holding on to a rodent. After that I decided I was getting a bit hungry too since I hadn’t had breakfast before leaving, so I started heading home.


Mori in the Morning 3/24/24


Sharp-shinned Hawk 1/28/24