River Otter - Pt Reyes 4/16/24

It was a foggy, early morning when we went down to see if we could find the River Otters. Daniel went up on the hill to get a better look in both directions and I stayed low in case he spotted them. I got a little distracted getting shots of some Canada Geese in the mist when I looked back to see how Daniel was doing and he was pointing roughly in the direction I had been shooting, so I thought he was just pointing at the Geese I was shooting. But then I realized he was pointing at an otter I had completely missed. The otter was rolling in the sand and blended in really well. The otter later charged at a couple of the geese and I captured a few of those shots, but those will come in a later post.


Young Buck - NE PA 8/1/24


White-tailed Deer - NE PA 7/28/24