Young Buck - NE PA 8/1/24

I had a brief break while the hospice nurses were caring for my mom, so I grabbed my camera and headed into the woods behind the assisted living facility where we have been staying. As I was wandering through the woods, I decided I was making too much noise with the dry leaves and sticks and likely wouldn’t see much. So I took a seat on a fallen tree and just sat for a while, which was nice in and of itself. After a bit of time I heard some rustling and eventually trained my eyes on the movement. It was a young White-tailed Deer buck out munching on some leaves. I watched this handsome fellow for a bit, hoping he’d move into a spot where I had a reasonable view of him. He obliged, and I started taking photos. After a few shots he finally noticed me, which you can see in Photo1. He watched me for a little bit, gave me a wink, as if to say “you seem OK.” and went back to what he was doing.


Painted Turtle - NE PA 7/28/24


River Otter - Pt Reyes 4/16/24