Small Aurora 5/11/24

I was feeling a bit left out with all of my neighbors getting beautiful aurora shots back home in Pacifica, CA. Here in PA we’ve been pretty socked in with clouds and rain. I decided to try and join the party. I wasn’t very hopeful, given it was raining when I went out, but I decided to go down to the lake and wait to see if we got any clearings sufficient to see some of the aurora. I went out around 11:30pm and was out there until almost 2am. Luck and patience paid off. There was a brief period where you could see some of the aurora. It’s the purplish area above the green-lit section of woods. The final photo doesn’t have much of an aurora - I just liked the shot. Note that the reason the sky and the reflection in the lake are so bright is because these were long exposures and that light is the reflection of the city lights off the clouds. In the original photos, it’s actually a fair bit brighter - it almost looks like daylight - but I dropped the exposure in the brighter areas to even out the photo.


Charismatic Critters 5/24/24


Great Blue Heron 5/11/24