Whale Tail of a Good Time 5/25/23

The Humpbacks were out in force and very active on Thursday. For the brave and hardy, willing to brave the strong, cool winds, the whales treated us with quite a bit of activity. There was breaching, tons of tail slapping, fin waving and lunging. I started working on a post “Put your fins in the air” mostly focused on the fin waving and tail slapping activity, and these two shots were included in that group. But every time I looked at these two photos, I thought “these really need their own post”. This whale had come very close to the pier - roughly 30 yards or so. I didn’t get in to position in time to get any super-close shots, but I did get a few nice shots as he was going away. Normally I don’t like “south end of a north bound train” shots, but there’s a “tail exception” for whales.


Humpback Tail Slap Video 5/26/23


Whale tail slap sequence 5/22/23